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Transforming Pandora
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Transforming Pandora

By Carolyn Mathews
ISBN 9781780997452
Winter 2013


You don't have to be a New Age flower child to enjoy Pandora's correspondence with her supernatural penfriend.

She's a newly single lady of a certain age and romance is still very much on the agenda. But who to choose? And can her supernatural buddy help her satisfy the longings of both her heart and soul?

Author's Biography

Carolyn Mathews has a background in English Language materials writing and teaching, and is now relishing the freedom of writing fiction.

She lives in the UK.


"A well-written, thought-provoking book which can be read on different levels...kept me turning the pages long after I should have been asleep."

Price: £12.99

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Reader Comments

A super read! I loved the characters and the setting.
good book
Great book. Makes interesting reading.
This is not the type of book I would normally choose to read as I am not one for the supernatural, spiritual or psychic world. However, having met Carolyn at a literary festival I decided to read the book. I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed reading it although I remain sceptical about the supernatural. I found I kept wanting to return to the book to find out what was going to happen next - always the sign of a good read - and as I am just a little older than Pandora enjoyed revisiting the 60's when earlier aspects of Pandora's life were explored. Definitely a recommended read
Thoroughly enjoyable, especially the flash backs to Pandora growing up in the 70's. Hopefully there is to be a sequel.
Original and thought provoking, a very enjoyable read.
Brilliant read real page turner.
Couldn't put it down. Original storyline. Memories of my youth brought to the surface.
A thoroughly enjoyable read. Not my usual Genre, but so glad I read it. Very likeable characters and a pleasingly good storyline. Very much looking forward to the next edition.
Very good book. This book can be read by all ages and both sexes.
A great read about coming of age, no matter what your age. Entertaining, though provoking, believe it or not, and absolutely enjoyable to the final word.
Funny/sad really took me back to my youth a thoroughly enjoyable read.
This book will draw the reader in, through the past and present. Immensley readable.
This is a skillful blending of the spiritual and the temporal. Split between the early noughties and the 70's, this book charts the thrills and spills of a woman on a quest. She is searching for love, but finds more than she bargained for. I look forward to reading more of Pandora's exploits in the future.
Loved it!
Well developed characters and a refreshingly different storyline, very enjoyable.
Thoroughy enjoyed lingering over this novel and hope that many others will do likewise.
Very interesting read!
Transforming Pandora by C. Mathews is the most astounding novel I read in 2013. Beautifully written, extraordinary story!
Excellent read. Can't wait for the next one.
A really enjoyable read. Well rounded characters that are easy to like, and the story of Pandora's life kept me hooked to the end.
I love this book!
Not just a woman's book - I enjoyed reading it as much as my wife did.
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