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Psychosynthesis: The Elements and Beyond

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Psychosynthesis: The Elements and Beyond

Subtitle Psychosynthesis in Theory and Practice
By Will Parfitt
Published by PS Avalon
ISBN 978-0-9552786-0-0
Category Self Help/How To
Winter 2010


Psychosynthesis is a practical system that integrates principles and techniques from many approaches to personal and spiritual growth. It is not about the application of techniques, however, but learning to live with a vision that comes from deep within oneself and howto bring this vision into everyday life in a meaningful way.

Author's Biography

Will Parfitt is a registered psychotherapist and leads training courses in England and Europe. He has a private practice in the South-West of England offering psychotherapy, mentoring, coaching and supervision. He trained in Psychosynthesis and has more than thirty years experience of working with personal and spiritual development. Parfitt is the author of several books including Complete Guide to the Kabbalah.


Will Parfitt has done an admirable job of distilling the essence of psychosynthesis into a communicable, palatable form - American Board of Master Educators Price £ 13.00 Paperback

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Reader Comments

An excellent book fot those who ask: What is Psychosynthesis?
if you are a beginner buy this book! if you are an advanced buy this book! if you are a prof. buy this book!
Excellent book about Psychosynthesis.
I love this book!
Ask Psychosynthesist teachers and guides to explain what Psychosynthesis is, you will get many different answers. Will Parfitt has the unique ability to explain the purpose and meaning of Psychosynthesis,and the how to, so that anyone really wanting to embark on a spiritual journey, will be reached.
An excellent introduction to the work of Assagioli. Will Parfitt has brought his own profound explorations of psyche and spirituality to his explanation and exploration of these powerful and relevant ideas. The result is readable, accessible and useful addition to practical and applicable psychological, spiritual, personal and social practices.
This book is a gift to anyone interested in the inner journey in a fresh yet timeless and understandable way.
A lovely, clear book that will help you in your own personal and spiritual growth.
Psychosynthesis is like a WikiLeaks to the personality.
It is very important book for everyone to understand our life journay, its meaning for us, our surroundings and for the Planet. When we find our deep core (identity), we find integrity with others and beautiful pattern of a whole, being interconnected with many individuals, shining their uniqueness like a diamont, having many edges.
Will does a very nice job summarising the core aspects of Psychosynthesis, and then reaching further and deeper, peeping through the wall of silence and into the esoteric roots of this beautiful therapeutic and educational modality. A stepping stone into luminosity.
I love this book. With a clear outline of psychosynthesis, it is both pragmatic and inspirational.
Psychosynthesis: The Elements and Beyond is a gem of a book. Being so clearly written, it is ideal reading for those seeking to help themselves and also, for therapists who want to develop their understanding of psychological concepts and to include spiritual aspects. As an integrative psychosynthesis psychotherapist with over twenty years experience, I still find Will Parfitt's rendition of Assagioli's ideas the most succinct and inspiring.
This book is written with clarity, breadth of vision, and gentle humour. I found it easily applicable and relevant to everyday life, consistent and practical in its teaching, and at the same time imaginative and creative. An extremely profound subject, made clear and understandable.
Psychosynthesis is an amazing tool for self-growth. Will Parfitt does a wonderful job of breaking down the system into easy to digest bites so that the tools can be understood and applied. I found the book very helpful.
excellent guide to self realization, purpose, and taking charge of your life, and an excellent introduction to psychosynthesis.
An admirable guide that should interest anyone interested not only in psychosynthesis but also in personal development in general. Such a learned guide, who offers his learning with his heart!
This is a fabulous book which provides an excellent introduction/grounding in psychosynthesis for those interested in this subject. Very readable!
A simple to understand, well written classic. Tells you everything you need to know to start your journey of discovery into Psychosynthesis.
For those who want to learn more about their journey through life and how to be the best of who they are, this book is an excellent guide. It helps you to explore your different personalities and guides you to an understanding of how to deal with your inner and outer self. It helps you connect to your inner spitituality
In these bleak days we look for ways to find joy in our lives, to find our true purpose and meaning for why we are here. Will Parfitt in this book 'Psychosynthesis: The Elements and Beyond', is able to not only give you answers, he is able to guide you on your journey of self discovery. With this simple to follow guide of Psychosynthesis theories, you may be able to find the joy that you have been looking for. This book is truly a 'winner' on my book shelf. Shamai Currim PhD
Lovely analysis great synthesis. If you are looking for a book to introduce you psychosynthesis and models of personal development this is your book!
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