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The Kayak
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The Kayak

By Debbie Spring
Published by Thistledown Press
ISBN 978-1-897235-71-3
Category Children's (8-12 yrs)
Winter 2012


On the water Teresa is brave, strong, and unstoppable. She lives for the rush of freedom as she paddles from shore, leaving her overbearing parents, her annoying sister, and her typical teenage stresses behind. But Teresa’s favourite thing about kayaking is that it has nothing to do with her wheelchair.

Author's Biography

Debbie Spring’s The Righteous Smuggler (Second Story Press) was shortlisted for Young Canada Reads. Her story “The Kayak” was published in the award-winning anthology Takes: Stories for Young Adults (Thistledown Press). She has also published Breathing Soccer. Debbie has three times won the Brendon Donnelly Children’s Literature Award for Excellence.


"The language is vivid and descriptive, and the author's knowledge and passion for her subject really shine through." Rachel Siegel, CM Magazine XVI:39, June 11, 2010
"This novel was entertaining and a page-turner. [The opening lines] enticed me to read the entire novel." Lily Erlic. Writing for Children. May 31, 2010. 
"This novel...neatly addresses teenage angst, the benefits of team sports, physical disability, and whether or not we are out brother's keeper...." Lesley Little, Resource Links. 15:5, June 2010. 
 "... a compelling story of ... inspiring will, strength, and courage...the concept of self-discovery and the will to keep moving forward made me appreciate the enjoy this novel." Lyudbov Kushtova, What If? 18:4, February 2011 

Price: £8.27 Binding: Papberback

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Reader Comments

What an inspiring read!
debbie is a true story teller. kudos!
Thought-provoking treatment of a disabled teenager.
Terrific read!
Great book for young and old
super book
Well written!! This story drew me inside Teresa's being so her struggles and triumphs felt personal to me.
a wonderfull book.
Great book! A must-read!
I loved this book. I highly recommend it!
A wonderful read filled with a courageous heroine, outdoor adventures and first love rites.
We loved it. The Kayak is a very compelling novel. The story is very well told and held my kids attention from start to finish. An excellent book.
Best book ever!!!
I reviewed this book on my blog. I felt like I was there in the kayak when I read the book. It was a wonderful adventure!
This book compels, inspires, and shows courage and resourcefulness. Teresa is amazing!
I couldn't put this book down...a great read!
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