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Far Out
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Far Out

Subtitle Sailing into a Disappearing World
By Corinna Weyreter
ISBN 978-1-907984-09-9
Category Boating
Spring 2013


Tired of their careers in the oil industry, Corinna Weyreter and Gjalt van der Zee sailed away from the rat race in search of freedom and adventure in the fabled South Pacific. Taking only what could justify its space on their 41-foot yacht, they abandoned materialism to discover how little a person really needs...

Author's Biography

Corinna Weyreter was born in Surrey, England. After graduating in astrophysics from the University of Birmingham she joined the oil company Shell, where she worked as a petrophysicist for fifteen years, mostly overseas. She resigned to sail around the world.


Price: £9.99 

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Reader Comments

as requested, very good!
I loved this book and felt like I had sailed into the South Pacific too.
A great writer, such a professional humor and great inspiration to circumnavigate for yourself. The feeling we have is that see can easily write an exxtra book about here companion, Gjalt!
such a good read; I couldn't put it down.
Great read. Witty, funny yet serious and captivating
This is a brilliantly written account of the quest physical as well as spiritual quest of a young woman, sailing the oceans together with her companion, discovering the vastness and natural beauty, but also the vulnerability of our world. As close as you will ever come to your own sailing around the world voyage without actually setting sail...
An excellent read. Highly recommended. It was fascinating to discover a world we hear so little about in our remote island of Europe!
a fantastic read...... felt like I was on every leg of the journey with them :-) and couldnt wait for the next chapter..... if you are thinking of purchasing I will certianly recommend
A very well written book that makes you think about what is important in your life and the world. We should take more care of both.
Great adventure, great story, well written.
I consider this book well written. One learns about remote places and the delights and dangers sailors encounter on such a voyage.
Thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was so well written I felt as if I had been on the journey with her.
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