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Mum is in Charge
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Mum is in Charge

By John O'Neill
Published by Austin Macauley
ISBN 9781849632881
Autumn 2013


The story ‘Mum is in Charge' is based on true events, covering the period 1939 to 1945, with some flashbacks to earlier years. It is related by youngest child of the family, with a host of interesting, exciting, challenging moments.

There is a close encounter with death, the controversial friendship with an old lady ghost, sadness, hardships including school bullying, which developed into what all families need, a bonding as a single unit.

Author's Biography

Following retirement 1989, he devoted his life to charitable fund raising projects. He formed two companies in organising celebrity/amateur golf events. First being ‘Gemini Classics' in co-operation with a past business colleague Roger Dickinson and ex Ryder Cup player, Peter Dawson. Second company ‘Celebrity Masters Tournaments' with entertainer, Jerry Stevens, as Joint Managing Director.


Price: £7.99

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Reader Comments

A moving account of childhood memories and growing up in the War years.
A captivating read from beginning to end - well done !
Goes back to the realities of life 1939 - 1945.
Most enjoyable read,mirrored my experience of wartime Bitain,as an evacuee.
Have enjoyed this book immensely, I have beed inspired to write my own!
An insight into the minds and events previously unknown to us, a fascinating book.
Difficult to put down. Superb story told through the eyes of a young boy with honesty & humour.As I have lived in the area I know it to be a very accurate account of life at that time. well done John for still remembering all those details over 60 years later
Loved it
I felt like the ghost of the old lady in this book; living in every room with the characters, eves-dropping on all the conversations, watching the characters in their most private times and, all the while, feeling a passionate protection towards a family that I hoped would remain in tact during this devastating time. An excellent book written through the eyes of youthful innocence.
An excellent production John Bringing back so many memories of life when growing up in the war years. Brings back many memories
So good I bought it for family and friends. A good read.
Super! Well done John!
I loved this book and could picture everything so vividly from the descriptions of the young boy telling this true story. I shared all his joys and disappointments and at times felt that I was there within the family home listening to the conversations, arguments and discussions. I enjoyed reading about John's adventures, friendships and his very special relationship with his pets and the ghost of the old lady. I highly recommend this book. It is an excellent read and I think everyone, whatever age they are would be able to identify with it.
Amost realistic book which showed the other side of the events in the war and the will to succeed even under great hardship . A worthy winner in our opinion
The recall of the World War 2 years (1939-1945) was quite extraordinary. An excellent read.
The war years has always fascinated me and what family life was like during that very trying time. This book about a real life family is a great read. The author candidly tells the story of his family's life that has humour and drama during the years 1939 to 1945, leaving nothing to the imagination . One you start reading, you just cannot put it down.
The book portrays what family life was like in World War 2 and shows for the our history a comparison of the social fabric between todays world and the days between 1939/1945 in Great Britain. The Book makes for compelling reading with touches of humour mixed with reality of life showing the love we all expect from a family, despite the horrors of war.
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